ламинат paradise


ламинат paradise


Ламинат Paradise Parquet PR-103 Дуб Моккачино 34 класса, толщиной 12 мм по выгодной цене можно купить в нашем интернет-магазине BSpol. Наша компания предлагает полный спектр услуг: замер, расчет, доставку и монтаж. Доставку осуществляем по всем регионам России. Не устроила цена? Звоните +7 (495) 966-13-50 или пишите на почту zakaz@bspol.ru, сделаем выгодное предложение!

Группа товаров:Ламинат
Страна производства:Китай
Заводской артикул:PR-103 
Заводское название:Дуб Моккачино
Класс истираемости:34 класс
Пропитка:Влагостойкий (восковая пропитка замков)
Тёплый пол, совместимость: Подходит*
Антистатичные свойства:Есть
Фаска: U-фаска с 4-х сторон
Тип дизайна:Художественный
Тип рисунка:Под паркет
Тип соединения:Замковое соединение
Поверхность доски:Матовая
Размер доски:1207 х 402 х 12 мм
м2 в упаковке:2,4261
Количество досок в упаковке:5 шт
Вес упаковки:25 кг
Плотность доски:900 кг/м3
Класс экологической безопасности:E1
Класс пожарной безопасности:КМ5
Гарантийный срок от производителя:15 лет

Good to Great: Take Your Workout to the Next Level


 Good to Great: Take Your Workout to the Next Level

Personal Trainer in gym

Whether you go for short walks around your neighborhood, sprint through 10-mile-bike rides, or sweat it out at the gym, at some point you'll think, "This isn't as hard as it used to be!"

That’s good progress. But it might be time to move on.

You may have gotten so used to your routine that it’s simply too easy now. To get faster or stronger, or just beat boredom, it's time to change things up.

It’s a fact: The best way to keep building muscle mass or burn calories is to make it a habit to switch up your workout -- especially when you notice that your current plan has become comfy. It keeps you on your toes. You’re ready to turn your walks into jogs, lift heavier weights, or swim faster than you might have thought you ever would.

Get 'FITT'

First, think about what you could do differently. Use the "FITT" principle of exercise -- frequency, intensity, time, and type -- to guide you.

Frequency: How many days a week do you work out?

If it’s twice a week, try to add a third day and see how it goes.

Intensity: How hard do you exercise?

Do you reach your target heart rate? That will help you boost your fitness. Your maximum heart rate is about 220 minus your age. Your target heart rate zone is 50% to 85% of that.

If you don’t want to do the math, ask yourself if you feel like you're really pushing yourself, or if the activity feels pretty easy. Could you work a little harder, whether that means picking up the pace or adding more weight or resistance?

Time: How long are your workouts?

If you jog for 20 minutes, try to keep it going for 30. Strolling around the neighborhood for 45 minutes? Go a few blocks farther and make it 60.

Type: What specific exercises are you doing?

Consider going from walking to jogging, jogging to running, or add a completely new activity -- biking, swimming, Pilates, weight training, etc.

Picture of the Biceps


 Picture of the Biceps

bicep muscle
© 2014 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.

The biceps is a muscle on the front part of the upper arm. The biceps includes a “short head” and a “long head” that work as a single muscle.

The biceps is attached to the arm bones by tough connective tissues called tendons. The tendons that connect the biceps muscle to the shoulder joint in two places are called the proximal biceps tendons. The tendon that attaches the biceps muscle to the forearm bones (radius and ulna) is called the distal biceps tendon. When the biceps contracts, it pulls the forearm up and rotates it outward.

Biceps Conditions

  •  Biceps strain: A pulled biceps results from overstretching and tearing some of the biceps muscle fibers and/or tendons. Pain and sometimes swelling are the usual symptoms.
  •  Proximal biceps tendon rupture: This is when one of the two biceps tendons in the shoulder is torn away from the bone. Sudden shoulder pain and an odd-shaped bulge in the biceps are symptoms.
  •  Distal biceps tendon rupture: A tear of the biceps tendon at the forearm is unusual. Sudden pain over the front of the elbow and forearm weakness are symptoms.
  •  Proximal biceps tendinitis (tendonitis): Repeated use of the biceps or problems in the shoulder can irritate the proximal biceps tendon. Pain in the shoulder and biceps is the main symptom.
  • Biceps contracture: The biceps becomes permanently contracted, with the elbow bent. Biceps contracture may occur after a severe stroke.

Biceps Tests

  •  Physical examination: By examining and palpating (feeling) the biceps while it is moved into various positions, a health care provider collects clues to possible biceps conditions.
  • Speed’s test: A person holds their arm out with their elbow slightly bent and their palm up, while the health care provider presses downward on the arm. Pain in a specific area of the shoulder during Speed’s test suggests biceps tendinitis.
  • Yergason’s test: A person bends the elbow 90 degrees (at a right angle) while gripping hands with the health care professional, who applies pressure to the arm. Pain in a specific shoulder area during the test suggests biceps tendinitis.
  • Computed tomography (CT scan): A CT scanner takes multiple X-rays, and a computer compiles them into images of the interior of the biceps and nearby structures.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI scan): An MRI scanner uses a high-powered magnet and a computer to create highly detailed images of the biceps and surrounding structures.
  • Biceps ultrasound: A device placed on the surface of the skin bounces high-frequency sound waves off structures in the biceps. The signals are converted into images on a video screen, allowing health care providers to see structures inside the body. Biceps ultrasound may help identify biceps tendon problems.

هرمونات كمال الأجسام


 هرمونات كمال الأجسام

كمال الأجسام

يلجأ العديد من الشباب إلى الاهتمام بأجسامهم، وبنائها للحصول على عضلات بارزة، وقوية، ومشدودة، إلا أنّ هذه العملية لا تعتمد على ممارسة التمارين الرياضية كتمارين رفع الأوزان وحسب، بل تعتمد على نوعية الطعام المتناول، إضافةً إلى عوامل أخرى تلعب دوراً أساسياً في تحديد قوة العضلات وحجمها، مثل الهرمونات التي تؤثّر على عملية الأيض المسؤولة عن بناء وهدم الخلايا، وفي يأتي سنعرفكم على هرمونات كمال الأجسام.

هرمونات كمال الأجسام

هرمون التستوستيرون والغدة الدرقية

يفرز جسم النساء والرجال هرمون التستوستيرون بمستوياتٍ مختلفة، إلا أنّه يعرف بهرمون الذكورة، في حين أن هرمون الغدة الدرقية يتم إفرازه بمستويات متساوية في جسم كلّ من المرأة والرجل، حيث يعمل هذين الهرمونين على بناء العضلات في الجسم، وذلك عن طريق تعزيز عملية الأيض المسؤولة عن بناء البروتينات التي تعدّ المكوّن الأساسيّ المسؤول عن ظهور العضلات وبنائها.

هرمون النمو

يعتبر هرمون النمو هو المسؤول عن بناء الخلايا الجديدة في الجسم وتجديدها، وهو المسؤول عن تكوين البروتينات، إضافةً إلى أنه يحفّز عملية حرق الدهون في الجسم من أجل زيادة الطاقة اللازمة لبناء الخلايا، وتقليل الطاقة اللازمة لهدم خلايا العضلات.

هرمون الإنسولين

يلعب هرمون الإنسولين دوراً كبيراً في التأثير على نشاط الجسم، حيث إنّ انخفاض مستواه يؤدّي إلى حرق الدهون، والعكس الصحيح، ولا بدّ من الإشارة إلى أنّه من الهرمونات التي تختلف نسبة ضررها، أو فائدتها باختلاف وقت إفرازها، وتركيزها في الجسم.

هرمون الكورتيزول

هرمون الكورتيزول أو كما يعرف بهرمون الإجهاد، أو هرمون الضغط هو أحد الهرمونات التي يفرزها الجسم خلال تعرّضه للإجهاد الشديد، من أجل حرق الدهون، مما يوفّر الطاقة اللازمة لمقاومة الإجهاد، إلا أنّ لهذا الهرمون العديد من المضاعفات الجانبية، من أهمها: إضعاف جهاز المناعة، مما يؤدي إلى إصابة الجسم بأنواع مختلفة من العدوى.

أضرار هرمونات كمال الأجسام

  • ظهور حب الشباب، إذ إنّ الإكثار من هذه الهرمونات تزيد فرص نمو الحب، الأمر الذي يؤثر بشكلٍ سلبي على نفسية الشخص.
  • زيادة عدوانية الشخص، وعصبيته، وذلك بسبب ارتفاع نسبة هرمونات الذكورة لديه.
  • الشعور بالأرق، كونها تزيد من نشاط الجسم، وتنبه الجهاز العصبي.
  • الشعور بالصداع، لأنها تزيد احتمالية رفع ضغط الدم.
  • زيادة كميات كريات الدم الحمراء في الجسم، الأمر الذي يحدث تغيرات في الدم، ومن الممكن أن يؤدي ذلك إلى رفع ضغط الدم، وزيادة سيولته، وبالتالي زيادة احتمالية حدوث نزيف عند الإصابة.

Home cooking helps Bucks pull away from Suns in Game 3 of NBA Finals



Home cooking helps Bucks pull away from Suns in Game 3 of NBA Finals

  •  0

MILWAUKEE — When Giannis Antetokounmpo crashed to the court just two weeks ago with what appeared to be a serious knee injury, there was no guarantee he’d be back this season.

Maybe, he feared, he might even miss a year.

Antetokounmpo refused to stay down.

These Milwaukee Bucks just won’t, either.

Antetokounmpo had 41 points, 13 rebounds and six assists in the NBA Finals’ return to Milwaukee, and the Bucks pounded Phoenix 120-100 on Sunday night, cutting the Suns’ lead to 2-1.

“We knew what kind of game this was going to be,” Antetokounmpo said. “We knew that if we lose the game you’re in the hole.”

Instead, the Bucks started climbing out of one.

The first NBA Finals game in Milwaukee since 1974 went to the home team in a romp, with Antetokounmpo and the bigger Bucks overwhelming the smallish Suns to the tune of a 20-2 advantage in second-chance points.

Game 4 is Wednesday night, with the series guaranteed to go back to Phoenix afterward.

“I said it after last game. This team’s not going to give in. They’re going to keep playing all the way through,” Suns star Devin Booker said. “So we have to bring that same effort that we had in the first two games and I think we’ll be in good shape.”

Antetokounmpo, who missed the last two games of the Eastern Conference finals because of a hyperextended left knee and was no sure thing to even be ready to start this series, followed up his 42-point, 12-rebound performance in Game 2 by doing it all again — even making his free throws this time.

Back in front of his own fans and free of the loud counts he’s been hearing on the road, Antetokounmpo went 13 of 17 at the line. With two straight 40-point games in the NBA Finals, he’s halfway to Michael Jordan’s record — set against the Suns.

Chris Paul had 19 points and nine assists, but the Suns got next to nothing from his star backcourt mate. Booker shot 3-for-14, scoring just 10 points.

Jrue Holiday bounced back from two poor games in Phoenix with five 3-pointers and 21 points to get the Bucks going again onto the comeback trail, having already overcome one 2-0 deficit in this postseason. Khris Middleton added 18.

“We all hate to lose and we know the ultimate goal,” Holiday said.

Fans broke out their “Bucks in 6! Bucks in 6!” chant as Milwaukee started to pull away in the first half and then again as the benches emptied with the final minutes.

The Bucks are seeking their second NBA title and hadn’t even played for one in 47 years. They grabbed control of this game by outscoring Phoenix 30-9 over the last nine minutes of the second quarter, then ending the third with a 16-0 finish.

Fans began making their way to the Deer District outside the arena in the middle of the afternoon, with so many fans decked out in green that Fiserv Forum felt more like Fiserv Forest.

They didn’t get to cheer as much as they wanted early after a strong start by the Suns, who got 12 points from Deandre Ayton in the opening period. But Ayton was hampered by foul trouble and the Bucks soon ran past and kept right on going.

Antetokounmpo had seven straight points to finish a 9-0 run in the second that gave Milwaukee a six-point lead, and after Phoenix scored four straight, the Bucks took off again on a 16-3 run.

Bobby Portis had the last two baskets in the half, finishing off a pretty fast break with a dunk for one of them, and it was 60-45 at the break.

The lead was 13 with under eight minutes left in the third when Cam Johnson took a pass near midcourt with an open path to the basket. P.J. Tucker tried to step in but was too late, and Johnson threw it down over him while drawing the foul.

That triggered a 14-5 run that cut it to 74-70 and seemed to have the Suns back into the game. Just as quickly, they were out of it again.

Holiday made two 3-pointers in the next minute and Milwaukee pushed the lead back to nine, and by the end of the third it had ballooned to 98-76.

The Bucks, who lost the first two games against Brooklyn in the second round, avoided falling into a 3-0 hole from which no NBA team has escaped.

They limited the Suns to nine 3-pointers after Phoenix hit 20 in its Game 2 victory.

Ayton and Jae Crowder each had 18 points for the Suns. But Mikal Bridges, who had a career playoff-high 27 in Game 2, took only four shots and had four points.


Suns: Frank Kaminsky, the former college player of the year at the University of Wisconsin, had six points after going scoreless in the two games in Phoenix. ... Torrey Craig had two points in 15 minutes after hurting his right knee in Game 2. He came up gingerly after lunging to save a bad pass by Paul that went out of bounds in the second quarter.

Bucks: Antetokounmpo had his 11th game with 30 points and 10 rebounds, passing Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in 1974 for most by a Bucks player in one postseason. Only Shaquille O’Neal (13, 2000) and Elgin Baylor (12, 1962) had more. ... Portis and Brook Lopez each scored 11 points.

Phoenix 28 17 31 24 — 100

Milwaukee 25 35 38 22 — 120

PHOENIX — Bridges 2-4 0-0 4, Crowder 6-7 0-0 18, Ayton 8-11 2-2 18, Booker 3-14 3-5 10, Paul 8-14 2-3 19, Craig 1-5 0-2 2, Johnson 5-11 3-3 14, Nader 0-1 0-0 0, Kaminsky 3-5 0-0 6, Alexander 1-1 0-0 2, Payne 3-10 1-1 7. Totals 40-83 11-16 100.

MILWAUKEE — G.Antetokounmpo 14-23 13-17 41, Tucker 3-5 0-0 7, Lopez 4-9 2-2 11, Holiday 8-14 0-0 21, Middleton 6-14 3-3 18, Nwora 1-1 0-0 3, Portis 4-11 2-2 11, T.Antetokounmpo 0-2 0-0 0, Connaughton 3-5 0-0 8, Forbes 0-2 0-0 0, Merrill 0-0 0-0 0, Teague 0-4 0-2 0. Totals 43-90 20-26 120.

3-point goals — P 9-31 (Crowder 6-7, Paul 1-4, Johnson 1-5, Booker 1-7, Bridges 0-2, Payne 0-2, Craig 0-3), M 14-36 (Holiday 5-10, Middleton 3-7, Connaughton 2-4, Tucker 1-2, Portis 1-3, Lopez 1-4, Forbes 0-2, G.Antetokounmpo 0-2). Rebounds — P 36 (Ayton 9), M 47 (G.Antetokounmpo 13). Assists — P 21 (Paul 9), M 28 (Holiday 9). Total fouls — P 24, M 18. Att. — 16,637.